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welcoming VETERINARY surgery in LEQUILE

The veterinary surgery of Dr Luigi Quarta is in Lequile, in the province of Lecce. The surgery specialises in the care and assistance of conventional, non-conventional, and exotic companion animals.
Our goal is to take care of every animal by means of ad hoc services and treatments. We will commit ourselves to your pets with love and dedication, as providing them with the best care treatments is our highest priority.

Domestic and exotic animals

The veterinary surgery of Dr Luigi Quarta is in Lequile, in the province of Lecce. The surgery specialises in the care and assistance of conventional, non-conventional, and exotic companion animals.

Our goal is to take care of every animal by means of ad hoc services and treatments. We will commit ourselves to your pets with love and dedication, as providing them with the best care treatments is our highest priority.

Home veterinary examinations

Our veterinary surgery was created to ensure that all animals can receive the most appropriate care, whether they are conventional or non-conventional companion animals.

In order to ensure that all of them can receive the help they deserve, we provide home medical examination service. Thanks to this service, we ensure that even animals that cannot move from their home can receive adequate help in case of a veterinary emergency or other reasons.

Our staff are prepared and ready to face emergencies outside the surgery. We will provide your pet with a suitable treatment in a  timely and professional manner.

Around-the-clock veterinary on-call service

In addition to the home medical examination service, our veterinary surgery offers a broad range of treatments, all of which are carried out by highly specialised personnel only.

Inside the surgery buildin is an independent laboratory where we can carry out medical tests and medical imaging diagnostic tests, such as X-rays, ultrasound, and echocardiograms.

We also carry out internal medicine examinations using the proper prophylactic vaccines and microchip installation procedures.
In order to be always close to your animal friend, we guarantee an around-the-clock on-call service, so that we can be immediately available in case of emergencies.

Book a veterinary examination by calling on: +39 380 4119848!

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